Monday, September 17, 2012

Tips for taking care of your home

There are simple things you can do to help save money and prolong the life of your everyday appliances.  Here are a few tips to review and follow.

From Family Features

Just like your car, your home systems and appliances all need periodic maintenance checks to make sure they are operating safely and efficiently. A professional preventative maintenance program can help homeowners when it comes to the upkeep of their heating and cooling system, plumbing, electrical system and most major appliances. Having professional preventative maintenance services performed is key to ensuring tasks are done right and can save you time and money in the end.

American Home Shield, a unit of the ServiceMaster Company, provides these expert tips to help keep your home’s systems and appliances in great shape:

Air conditioning

Check filters every month. Clean or replace as needed.

Keep the condensing unit free of debris.

Trim shrubs and plants near condensing unit to ensure proper airflow and circulation.

Bent condensing unit fins can often be easily straightened with a fin comb.

Washing machine

Inspect cold and hot water supply hoses for cracks and deterioration.

Look for signs of water or oil leakage.

Check to make sure the machine is level, and adjust it, if needed, by turning the legs clockwise to lower them or counter-clockwise to raise them.


Clean the lint screen after each load of clothes has been dried.

For gas and electric dryers, check and tighten supply connections.

Check to see if the dryer is level; if it is not, the drum may vibrate and damage the unit. To adjust the level, turn the legs clockwise to lower them or counter-clockwise to raise them.

Water heater

Drain and flush sediment from tank twice a year.

Check pressure-relief valve once a year to make sure this crucial safety device is not clogged.

As a company with significant experience in covering the repair of major home systems and appliances, American Home Shield is a strong advocate for preventative maintenance.

The company encourages homeowners to take advantage of annual preventative maintenance agreements to make sure their appliances and systems get a thorough inspection by a qualified professional. To learn more about preventative maintenance plans, how you can get one and more tips, visit

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

National Mutt's Day July 31st, 2012

Mutts Rule

Today is National Mutt’s Day.  Mutts deserve their day in the spotlight, as much as a pure breed.
The definition a mutt is a dog, especially a mongrel referred to as a "Half-breed”.  Pedigree owners, and sometimes the public in general, view mitts as inferior or low class dog.  Sure, a mutt doesn't carry the expensive price tag that a pedigree.   Mutt owners know better, they know that a mutt is just as loyal, lovable and obedient as any pedigree.

In addition, mutts don't walk around needing to prove anything. You won't see them strutting around any dog shows trying to prove they are the best.

To all mutts and mutt owners, we hope you thoroughly enjoy Mutt's Day. Spend the day relaxing and doing all the things you and your dog like to do.

To your mutt is worth a million bucks!

Friday, July 27, 2012

Casey the Gator Gal!

Come and see the demonstration tomorrow... with Casey the Gator Gal, at E. O. Wilson Biophilia Center
Admission is $5 per person.
Children ages 6 to 12 are $2.
Children 5 and under are free.
Children under the age of 16 must be accompanied by an adult.
E. O. Wilson Biophilia Center is on the south side of Highway 20 between Freeport and Bruce, approximately 4 miles east of Highway 331

Solution for a Dirty Car

Is your car dirty? 

Is it too hot for you to get out in the heat and wash it? 

I have the perfect solution!!!
Stop by Quality Imports located at 1006 North Beal Parkway in Ft Walton Beach, just North of Wal-Mart from 9 a.m. - 3 p.m.  And let the Volunteers and Board of directors of Habitat for Humanity Okaloosa County wash it for you!!!  All proceeds from the car wash will go directly to help with the purchase of land for the future home site of Habitat’s 50th Home - Patriot Place. 

Everyone deserves a home to live in… so stop by tomorrow between 9-3 and get your car washed and help the local Habitat for Humanity with a small donation ….

Learn more about Patriot Place by visiting
See you there!!!

Thursday, July 26, 2012

BACK TO SCHOOL TIME “2012 Sales Tax Holiday” August 3th - August 5th

Well it’s that time of year again… BACK TO SCHOOL TIME… Teachers are gearing up and so are parents.  This year the State of Florida is bring back “2012 Sales Tax Holiday” August 3th - August 5th.
Retailers are displaying supplies and should have the list of items that are Tax Exempt, but just in case … here are some rules to follow.  Books are NOT exempt during the 2012 Sales Tax Holiday, nor are clothing items price at over $75 per item; any school item selling for more than $15 each will not be exempt either.

Simply  put:
 “School supplies” means pens, pencils, erasers, crayons, notebooks, notebook filler paper, legal pads, binders, lunch boxes, construction paper, markers, folders, poster board, composition books, poster paper, scissors, cellophane tape, glue, paste, rulers, computer disks, protractors, compasses, and calculators.
“Clothing” means any article of wearing apparel, including all footwear (except skis, swim fins roller blades, and skates) intended to be worn on or about the human body. However, does not include watches, watchbands, jewelry, umbrellas, handkerchiefs, or sporting equipment.
The exemption does not apply to any item of clothing selling for more than $75, or to any school supply item selling for more than $15.

For more information please check the web site for all the TIPS!!!